All Is Well (Gujarati Edition) By Louise L.Hay ઓલ ઈઝ વેલ - લુઇસ એલ.હે હકારાત્મકતા, અંત:સ્ફૂરણા અને ઔષધી વડે આપને સાજા કરો. જયારે જયારે પણ તમને કોઈ સમસ્યા સતાવે ત્યારે ત્યારે તમે આ પુસ્તક 'ઓલ ઈઝ વેલ ' વારંવાર વાંચો, હું જે કઈ છું તે સર્વશ્રેષ્ઠ છે. આ પરિસ્થિતિમાં ફક્ત સારું જ બહાર આવશે હું સુરક્ષિત છું, હું તમારા જીવનમાં ચમત્કાર સર્જીશ IT'S TIME TO GO BEYOND THE MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS AND GET TO THE ROOT OF WHAT'S CAUSING YOU PAIN. Healing the mind and body with affirmations, medicine, and intuition is territory that has been increasingly explored over the last 30 years. And though there are many brilliant and gifted individuals who have helped lead the way, few would argue with the fact that the first pioneer in this field was Louise Hay. And decades after Louise presented her conclusions, the scientific community has put forth studies that support them. The newest research has shown that our emotions have specific effects on our bodies, and that thought patterns affect our bodies in predictable ways, releasing certain chemicals in response to each emotion. Research has also shown that we have an innate intuition which 'tells' us what is going on inside our bodies and what is out of balance. We just have to learn to listen to our bodies, and that's exactly what All is Well does!