Fit Pregnancy (Gujarati Edition) by Namita Jain
Morning sickness, Mood swings, Frequent headaches, Glowing skin, Dizzy spells. You could be experiencing all this, or none of this. The truth is, there are no givens in pregnancy. No two bodies are the same, and no two pregnancies are the same. You’re always surrounded by advice, lots of it. And you still don’t have the answers to many of your questions. Am I gaining too much weight? Does my baby starve when I throw up? Will too much chocolate harm my baby? How do I exercise? Why am I in a bad mood all the time? And that most-asked question of all: Is this normal?
Namita Jain, one of the best-known names in the wellness industry, sets you at ease with this guide to a fitter pregnancy that is based on her clients’ experiences and a number of case studies. Complete with exercise routines, healthy recipes, and loads of tips on how to shop right, eat well, travel comfortably, sit in the office, get rid of stretch marks and much more. If you are pregnant or planning a baby, this is the book for you.
ફિટ પ્રેગ્નન્સી
નમિતા જૈન
તમારા અને તમારા બાળક માટે સંપૂર્ણ આરોગ્યનું આયોજન