What to Expect When You Are Expecting (Telugu Edition)
What to Expect When You're Expecting is an informative guide for first time mothers to understand the changes that happen during pregnancy and how to care for their newborn baby.
Summary Of The Book
First time pregnancy can be a happy yet challenging experience. As a new mom-to-be, who has no first hand experience of what she may expect during her pregnancy and what care she should take, for herself and for the growing life inside her. The book addresses all the issues and questions concerned with pregnancy that a woman might have, from the time of confirmation of pregnancy to the period after the birth of the baby.
What to Expect When You're Expecting is written in the form of questions and answers. It covers all the nine months of pregnancy, with one chapter for each month. The coverage also includes postpartum care. The book covers all the physical and emotional changes that the woman goes through over the nine months.
The book also describes the symptoms and discomforts she might experience during this period, and explains what she might expect when she goes for her periodical medical checkups. The book also describes the development of the fetus over the nine months.
The section called A Look Inside explains, with the help of images, the changes taking place in the woman's body and the changes in the fetus as it gradually develops over the months. The book also addresses some special concerns that a mother-to-be might have, and also provides some vital information for the woman, to ensure a healthy and safe childbirth.
The new edition reflects the current lifestyle and has an expanded coverage of workplace issues and concerns. It also has additional material for women who are expecting multiple births, a phenomenon that has become more frequent in recent years. The book also discusses the role of the expectant father.
It contains detailed dietary advice, covering all diet styles including vegan, and also junk food, low-carb, and caffeine. It also covers the fetal development on a weekly basis for each month.
What to Expect When You're Expecting is a comprehensive and empathetic guide for a mother-to-be covering the entire period of pregnancy. The first edition of What to Expect When You're Expecting came out in 1984. The book has been a New York Times Bestseller and USA Today has included this book in the 25 influential books in the last 25 years.
About The Authors
Heidi Murkoff is an American author who writes books on pregnancy and child care. Other books by Murkoff - What to Expect: The First Year, What to Expect: the Second Year, What To Expect The Toddler Years, and What to Expect: Eating Well When You're Expecting. Heidi Murkoff says the lack of helpful books when she was pregnant for the first time inspired her to write the book What to Expect When You're Expecting. It became hugely popular and she now has a series of What To Expect books to her credit. She has also set up the What To Expect Foundation to provide healthcare to families that do not have the financial resources to afford good medical care.
Sharon Mazel is a writer who is an expert on pregnancy and child care. Other books by Sharon Mazel - What To Expect The 1st Year, What to Expect: The Toddler Years, and What to Expect: Eating Well When You're Expecting.