Rainbow at Noon
Dhiruben Patel
(Translated from the Gujarati by Raj Supe)
Rainbow at Noon by Dhiruben Patel is an English translation of a Gujarati novel, Agantuk, which had won the Sahitya Akademi Award.
A timeless journey to self-realisation.. By Sahitya Akademi Award winning author, Dhiruben Patel When a sannyasi turns his back on worldly life, he is said to have transcended the trammels of mundane existence. But what of the sannyasi who turns his back on renuciation itself? Rainbow at Noon describes the life of shan, who is able to navigate his soul out of the world and back into it, only to realize the place for the self is in the self. Here is the story of a sannyasi who returns to his home in Mumbai and how he is treated by the world. It is a brilliant account of the inner turmoil of every man who wishes to rise above himself. Lucidity and succinctness characterise Raj Supe’s translation of Dhiruben’s original Gujarati. The lay reader is quickly drawn into the story of ishan and his family and is easily able to assimilate what could otherwise have been abstruse and profound text. Rainbow at Noon can be read over and over again without losing its novelty, as new layers reveal themselves. It is like a little jewel that retains its lustre forever.
About the Author
Dhiruben Patel (b.1926, is a versatile Gujarati writer who has been aware of her calling as writer who has been aware of her calling as a writer since childhood. Over the years she has worked as a professor, editor and social worker but her main interest has remained embedded in her writing. Dhiruben has published fifty books in Gujarati, including novels, short stories, plays, translations and books for children. She has also written various film scripts for adults as well as for children. Her Kitchen Poems, her film Bhavni Bhavai and her Sahitya Academy Award winning novel Agantuk (translated into English in this book), deserve special mention. recipient of several awards and medals, Dhiruben was also President of the Gujarati Sahitya Parishad – the oldest and most president of the Gujarati Sahitya Parishad – the oldest and most prestigious Gujarati literary body in the world.