CHANAKYA: HIS TEACHINGS & ADVICE (Tamil Translation) This book contains the life lessons of Chanakya, an ancient Indian philosopher and political scientist. Author of the foremost Indian treatise on economic policy and military strategy Arthashastra, Chanakya is held as one of the earliest Indian economists and political thinkers. As the royal advisor to Chandragupta Maurya, he was instrumental in the rise and spread of the great Maurya Empire in medieval India. In this book, Ashwani Sharma brings together a selection of his ideas that would find place in every individual’s life. The book presents his thoughts on a wide variety of subjects, including women, friendship, family, and spirituality. It also brings forth some of Chanakya’s most thought-provoking observations and pithy insights from everyday life. These ideas are reflective of Chanakya’s views on morality and are widely held as relevant even after several centuries of their conception.