It can be utterly agonising to send your child to school when you know they hate it. Many parents are in tears day after day as a result. And watching all those other parents dropping off happy smiling children makes it feel all the more lonely. Thousands of parents go through the same thing every day. Maybe your child is being bullied, or maybe they re struggling to keep up. Perhaps they re bored, or maybe they have social or learning difficulties. Whatever the reason, it makes everyone s life hell. That s why Antonia Chitty has put together this guide to coping. You ll have tried what you can already, but here are lots more ideas too, whatever kind of solution you want How to talk to the school to get the problems resolved How to change schools within the state system Alternative schools, from Montessori and Steiner to boarding school Home education Flexischooling and home tutoring There is an answer, and this book will help you find it. It may take a little while, but it s only a matter of time before your child will be happy to get up in the mornings, and may even head off to school with a smile... About Author: Antonia Chitty is an experienced author and journalist. She combines writing non fiction books with running her own PR Agency, ACPR. As a mum to two and a school governor, Antonia has experienced the UK educational systems from two angles, and has a number of links with home educators and small schools.